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Requesting & Accessing Material
FAQ's & Glossary of Terms
Delivery Time
Allow 1-2 weeks for book delivery
Electronic requests and articles could be received in 1-2 days
Exact delivery date is determined by the response of the lending library. This cannot be guaranteed, so it is important to request items for research projects well in advance.
Patron Responsibilities
Once received, requested books are held at the circulation desk for 10 days. If you are unable to pick up your materials in that time frame, you are expected to reach out to an ILL staff member ( to let them know.
Do not remove paperwork attached to the materials: paper clipped receipt, wrapped cover, etc.
Please return materials on or before the due date
Do not put any markings in the book. This includes: pen, pencil, highlight marks, ripped/folded pages.
You are responsible for any damages to the book and the cost of the book if it is lost
Renewals are granted at the discretion of the lending library
1. Renewals in Resource Sharing
Login to
My Library Card
Select Loans
If an item can be renewed, there will be an option that says
If the renew was successful you will see the item listed as "renewed" with the new due date.
2. Renewals in ILLiad
Login to your
ILLiad account
Click on the transaction number for the loan you want to renew
at the top of the page
The due date will update on the screen, but that does not mean that book has been renewed. Wait for an
email with the due date
. An email will be sent if the renew request was approved or denied.
If renewals are denied by the lending library, users are expected to return the loaned material and submit a new request if the item is still needed.
Overdue Materials
If an item is not returned within 30 days after the due date, users will be blocked from submitting any new requests in ILL. This block will not be removed until the item is returned.
Users are financially responsible for ILL material from the time it is picked up at the Circulation Desk until the time it is returned to the Circulation Desk. If materials are lost or damaged, the patron will be charged replacement fees as determined by the supplying library.
Excessive or frequent overdues will result in permanent suspension of ILL privileges.
Copyright & Fair Use Guide
This guide is designed to share information on copyright and fair use in an educational setting and provide guidance on finding and using materials in online, hybrid, and in-person courses.
Missing & Lost Items
If materials are lost or damaged, the user will be charged replacement fees as determined by the supplying library.
The library reserves the right to block the users account if lost/damage fees have not been paid or accounted for.
Loan Periods
Resource Sharing Loan Periods
16 Weeks
Renewals upon request
ILLiad Loan Periods
Between 6-10 Weeks; determined by the lending library
Renewals upon request
Requesting & Accessing Material
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