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Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Who do I contact if I have concerns or questions? Contact the InterLibrary Loan staff at (516) 876-2895 or e-mail and
  2. What is Primo or Discovery? Primo/Discovery is the Library Catalog and where a user can view their library account. 
  3. What is ILLiad? ILLiad is the electronic system you use to request an item through Interlibrary Loan. The name ILLiad can be thought of as an acronym for InterLibrary Loan internet accessible database. You can access it here.
  4. Why did my article request disappear on ILLiad? After 30 days articles expire. Please remember to immediately download and save your article.
  5. How do I return Interlibrary Loan/Resource Sharing materials? All physical loans (not electronic items) obtained through interlibrary loan/resource sharing should be returned to the circulation desk.
  6. What is the difference between Interlibrary Loan & Resource Sharing? Interlibrary Loan is a service that allows you to borrow physical and digital materials that OW doesn't own from another library through ILLiad. Resource Sharing is a service that allows you to borrow physical and digital materials from another SUNY library through our shared SUNY catalog. 

Statuses Found on your ILLiad Account

  • Awaiting Copyright Clearance: The requested article has to be reviewed for copyright.
  • Awaiting Staff ISSN Identification: The ILL Staff needs to process the request before it can be sent to a lending library.
  • Canceled by Customer: The request was canceled by the patron.
  • Canceled by ILL Staff: ILL staff canceled the request. An email will be sent to the patron notifying them of the reason for the cancelation.
  • Delivered to Web: The requested material (article/book chapter) was delivered to the patron's ILLiad account. The item can be found in the Electronically Delivered Articles section. Articles/Book chapters are held for 30 days; please save the item if you wish to keep it longer than 30 days.
  • Denied Renewal Processing: The lending library will not allow the item to be renewed. The customer must return the item as soon as possible.
  • Item Checked In: The requested item has been returned to the circulation desk and checked in and will be returned to the lending library.
  • Item Checked Out to Customer: The requested item has been picked up by the patron.
  • Item Recalled: The lending library recalled the material and the patron must return the item as soon as possible.
  • Item Returned: The requested item has been sent back to the lending library.
  • Request Finished: The request was completed and the item returned to the lender.
  • Request in Processing: ILL staff are processing the request.
  • Request Sent: The request has been sent to lenders. We are waiting for a response from the lending libraries.
  • Submitted by Customer: A patron submitted a request and it is awaiting processing by ILL staff.

Where do I pick up my books?

Pick up requested books at the Circulation Desk
They will be held for you for 10 days

How do I place books on hold?

When searching for a book, if we have it available and you would like to place it ON HOLD to pickup at the circulation desk, click on Request Item for Pickup. 
You will receive an email when your item is on hold at the circulation desk.