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American Journal of Public Health
Coverage: 01/01/1975 - present
Subjects: Social Sciences & Humanities
Articles of original research, research methods, program evaluations, analytic reviews, including health policy analysis and reports on health policy.
BMC Dermatology
Coverage: 01/01/2001 - present
Subjects: Dermatology, skin diseases
Clinical Medicine Insights: Dermatology
Coverage: 01/01/2008 - 12/31/2014
Subjects: Dermatology, skin dseases
Coverage: 01/02/2005 - present (Full Text Delay: 1 year)
Subjects: Dermatology
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Coverage: 01/01/2004 - present
Subjects:Health & Medicine (General)
Environmental Sciences
Discusses environmental research and public health.
Perspectives in Public Health
Coverage: 01/01/2005 - present
Subjects: Public Health
CINAHL Plus with Full Text
Why search here?
A comprehensive database of literature on health, biomedicine, nursing and allied health fields.
What's included?
Full text for hundreds of journals and books as well as indexing for more than 5,000 journals and the full text of more than 130 Evidence-Based Care Sheets.
MEDLINE with Full Text (Ebscohost)
Why search here?
Created by the National Library of Medicine, MEDLINE provides information on medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, pre-clinical sciences, and more.
What's included?
Access to the world's leading medical, life sciences, healthcare and biomedical journals published since 1950.
New England Journal of Medicine
Why search here?
NEJM is a weekly general medical journal that publishes new medical research findings, review articles,and editorial opinion of importance to biomedical science and clinical practice.
What's included?
Online access to issues is available from 1990 through current issue.
PubMed Central
Why search here?
A free digital archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature at the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH). It is better to use MEDLINE because it can link to all our paid resources, which PubMed cannot.
What's included?
Index to scholarly and research biomedical articles back to the 1950's.
Why search here?
Journals in the fields of science, technology, medicine, and the social sciences from Elsevier Science and other publishers.
What's included?
Full-text to many articles. OW only subscribes to some titles in this collection.
ABC of Dermatology
Rachael Morris-Jones (Editor)
Call Number: Ebook
ISBN: 9781118520147
Publication Date: 2014-03-21
With over 450 full colour images, ABC of Dermatology is a practical guide to identification, recognition, treatment and management of common dermatological conditions encountered within primary care, walk-in centres, and the emergency room and within patients admitted to hospital with medical/surgical conditions. Fully updated with new developments and treatments, this sixth edition provides expanded coverage of psoriasis, eczema, inflammatory dermatoses and drug photosensitivity. It also includes improved coverage of the management of onychomycosis, scabies and lice, and hair and scalp, and new content on biological treatments, lymphoedema, community acquired MRSA, pityriasis rosea, immune reconstitution syndrome and antifungal drugs. ABC of Dermatology is the ideal learning partner and resource for GPs, family physicians, junior doctors, medical students and primary care health professionals.
Causes and Environmental Implications of Increased UV-B Radiation
R. M. Harrison (Editor); R. E. Hester (Editor); David J. Kieber (Contribution by); Stephen J. De Mora (Contribution by); J. Pyle (Contribution by)
Call Number: Ebook
ISBN: 9781847550354
Publication Date: 2007-10-31
Since the realisation that the ozone layer protecting the earth is suffering massive depletion, atmospheric science has been increasingly in the spotlight. It is recognised that we need to increase our knowledge and understanding of the likely impact that increases in UV-B radiation will have on life on earth. Charting research that encompasses the changing distribution of atmospheric ozone, changes in UV-B radiation and the consequent effects on photochemistry and biological systems in the aquatic and terrestrial environments, Causes and Environmental Implications of Increased UV-B Radiation draws together experts from the international community. Also included is a discussion of the emotive and highly topical subject of skin cancer as related to increased UV-B radiation. As an up-to-date and authoritative summary of the state of this highly complex science, this book will be welcomed by all practitioners and researchers in the field.
Clinical Dermatology
Richard Weller; Hamish Hunter; Margaret W. Mann
Call Number: Ebook
ISBN: 9781118850978
Publication Date: 2014-11-11
The best-selling text has been completely revised and revitalised in this fifth edition, with the authors once again encouraging general practitioners, medical students, general physicians and early stage dermatology specialist trainees and interns to relish the unique challenge of diagnosing and treating skin conditions. Clinical Dermatology, 5th edition contains over 400 high quality pictures and diagrams combined with colourful phrases to illustrate and entertain as it teaches. The book has established a reputation as a 'way of learning' and as an accessible guide to the subject for the aspiring specialist. Readers are guided through the maze that too often lies between the presenting skin complaint and its final diagnosis and treatment. The authors have skilfully crafted an easily read text with enough detail to clarify the subject, but not enough to obscure it. This fifth edition contains new chapters on non-invasive physical treatment and dermoscopy, and new material on cosmetic dermatology, surgical dermatology, the skin and the psyche, and dermatoses of non-Caucasian skin. The text throughout the book has been updated in line with developments in the science and practice of dermatology. "... brilliantly succeeds in enticing you to look further. The writing is clear, and the joint British-American authorship avoids any parochial views." From a review of a previous edition in BMJ "...a very well-presented excellent aid for teaching. I recommend this book highly to individuals and departments." From a review of a previous edition in J Derm Treatment "... provides a good overview of the structure and function of the skin as well as a good foundation for learning dermatology...well organized and includes a chapter dedicated to skin signs of systemic disease which is not covered in the other dermatology primers." From a review of a previous edition in JAMA
Evidence-Based Dermatology
Hywel Williams (Editor-In-Chief); Michael Bigby (Editor); Andrew Herxheimer (Editor); Luigi Naldi (Editor); Berthold Rzany (Editor); Robert Dellavalle (Editor); Yuping Ran (Editor); Masutaka Furue (Editor)
Call Number: Ebook
ISBN: 9781118357637
Publication Date: 2014-06-05
Be sure your skin-care treatments have strong evidential support Evidence-based Dermatology, Third Edition takes a unique approach to clinical dermatology by emphasising use of only the highest quality available evidence when treating people with skin diseases. Beginning with a toolbox introduction to the practice of evidence-based dermatology, it then covers the application of evidence for dermatological treatments across a wide range of ailments, including: * Common inflammatory skin diseases * Skin cancer, moles and actinic keratoses * Infective skin disease, exanthems and infestations * Disorders of pigmentation In addition, many of the rarer skin disorders are also included so as to provide comprehensive coverage of the topic. World-leading experts in dermatology follow a clinical approach for each disease, and as well as providing their expert guidance on the description and diagnosis of dermatologic disorders, they also discuss common dilemmas that clinicians face when considering the best approach to patient management. 'Key Points' accompany each chapter to provide a quick review of the most important points. Clinically oriented and practically focused, Evidence-based Dermatology ensures that your treatments are entirely patient-focused and fully supported by the very latest medical evidence.
Life Support: The Environment and Human Health
Michael McCally (Editor)
Call Number: Ebbok
ISBN: 9780262134149
Publication Date: 2002-09-16
Life Support brings together the best medical information available on the implications for human health of the global environmental crisis. Written by prominent physicians and public health experts who see environmental degradation as a serious threat to public health, it provides essential information for health professionals, policymakers, concerned citizens and environmental activists.
Sun, Skin and Health
Terry Slevin (Editor)
Call Number: Ebbok
ISBN: 9781486301157
Publication Date: 2015-01-22
Skin cancer is on the rise. Two in three Australians will develop skin cancer before the age of 70. The good news is that skin cancer is one of the most preventable forms of cancer. This book brings together leading experts in various aspects important to the sun, health and skin cancer - prevention, diagnosis or treatment and what happens after. The major cause of skin cancer is exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun but other factors can increase or reduce your risk of skin cancer. Over 95% of skin cancers can be successfully treated if found early. Beginning with an explanation of what skin cancer is and how it forms, Sun, Skin and Healththen discusses ultraviolet radiation and how to protect yourself, the effects of tanning, myths and truths about sunscreen, getting enough Vitamin D, early detection and treatment. It is a must-read for anyone who has had an experience with skin cancer, or who is at higher risk of the disease.
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