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Student Life Committee: By Laws

The function of the SLC includes an ongoing review of facilities, activities, and resources available to enhance the quality of life for both residential and commuter students.

SLC By Laws

Faculty By-Laws of 2011 - Section on Student Life Committee
     Section D: Student Life

1: Purpose:
a) The major functions of the Student Life Committee shall include an ongoing review of the facilities, activities, and resources available to enhance the quality of life for both residential and commuter students, an ongoing investigation of impediments and obstacles to an enhanced quality of life for students, and an exploration of and pursuit of the means to an enhanced quality of life for the students of the college.

b) The Student Life Committee shall make recommendation to the faculty for faculty action where appropriate, and recommendations to the Office of Student Affairs where appropriate.

c) The Student Life Committee shall report on it activities once a year to the Faculty Senate, the student government, and the Office of Student Affairs.

2. Membership:
The Student Life Committee shall be composed of six faculty members, an equal number of students, and appropriate administrative personnel, e.g., the Vice President of Student Affairs, the Director of Student Activities, and the Director of Residential Life, the Director of O.S.S.D., the Dean of Students or their designees.

3. Term:
The faculty members of the committee shall be elected by the faculty at large for staggered two-year terms. Student members shall be elected or appointed in accordance with student government practices. The administrative members shall be appointed by the Office of Student Affairs and serve as ex officio members without voting privileges.

4. Reporting:
The Committee shall provide a written report to the Chair of the Faculty Senate by August 1st each year