Use the following databases to locate management articles. Pick keywords to search. They could be "human resources" and "health insurance". The idea is to pick a topic that isn't too general and not too specific either.
ABI/INFORM Global: For management journals to trade publications, this is a good database for articles. Here you'll find content from nearly 1,800 worldwide business publications with in-depth coverage on business topics and company-specific articles.
Business Insights: Essentials: Business, company and industry content covering the following: periodical and news articles; press releases; textual and financial company information; investment reports; brand information; market share data; industry overviews.
Business Source Complete: This database provides the leading collection of bibliographic and full-text content covering all disciplines of business. In Business Source Complete, many of the most important scholarly business journals, trade publications and top management journals date back many years, some as far as 1886.
Conference Board Business & Economics Portfolio: The Conference Board Research Online Collection is a searchable database of full-text research reports on the latest issues in business management and US and global economics. Proprietary, nonbiased research includes studies of F500 companies on business trends, leadership decisions, performance excellence, corporate governance, HR, productivity, CRM and more. Economics material includes topline US and global economic indicators and analysis and forecasts of US and international economic conditions by our chief economist.
Mergent: Company financial data, ratios, and more.
Nexis Uni (formerly LexisNexis Academic): Nexis Uni provides access to full-text news, business, and legal publications, using a variety of flexible search options.
PsycInfo: Articles in psychology and related fields from 1887 to present.
RMA eStatement Studies: Ratios for industries.
S&P NetAdvantage: Great source for company and industry overviews.
Value Line: Information and advice on individual companies with a focus on the stock market.
The Wall Street Journal: Full text of the newspaper, 1984 to present, which offers in-depth coverage of national and international finance plus general and political events.