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Teaching & Learning Resources Committee (TLRC)

The Teaching and Learning Resources Committee works to foster a campus culture that promotes teaching excellence and innovation.

Old Westbury Learning Society (OWLS) is a monthly speaker series where members of SUNY Old Westbury community share their thoughts and experiences about teaching, learning, knowledge production and higher education. OWLS have four core objectives:

Learn from each other.

Connect with others on campus & beyond.  

Voice as an OW community.

Pool the collective knowledge.
OWLS talks are shared under the terms of Creative Commons license "Attribution - NonCommercial - NonDerivative". Copyright of an OWLS talk belongs to the presenter.

"Breaking the Spell" Series, 2015-16

OWLS #4 (April  6, 2016)
Professor Margaret Torrell
(Associate Professor, Sociology Department / Director, Special Academic Programs )
"Dispelling the Myths about Student Writers"

"The good news is that the papers are actually not end products of a learning experience, nor are they an indictment of our teaching ability or a sad indication of our students’ abilities.  Instead, they represent a point in a learning journey that the student is undertaking with us, and performance on a paper is not completely indicative of whether or not a student can write or has learned the material.  Instead, it’s reflective of a variety of pressures students may be under as they make a transition to increasingly higher levels of writing and thinking."

OWLS # 3 (Mar 17, 2016)
Lauren Foxworth, Ph.D
(Assistant Professor, Exceptional Education and Learning)
"Supporting Struggling Learners and Students with Learning Disabilities in the Classroom"
"As strong teachers, it is our job to use effective, research-based instructional practice to enable students with disabilities and struggling learners to achieve the highest levels of success."

"Breaking the Spell" Series, 2015-16

OWLS #2 (Nov 18, 2015)
Jacob Heller, Ph.D
(Associate Professor, Sociology Department / Director, Special Academic Programs )
"Attrition is a Problem (Or Is It?)"
"The concept of attrition is sometimes being measured in illogical ways, and as a stand-in for institutional effectiveness – but those uses fail utterly to consider the mission of higher education, whether public or private: to enhance the life chances of the students, to further knowledge and learning and to instill in the population a set of democratic, liberal arts values and perspectives that are necessary to a strong civil society."
OWLS #1 (Oct 27, 2015)
Maxine Nwigwe, Psy. D
(Associate Director, First Year Experience & Community Action, Learning and Leadership Program)
"Professor Scrooge or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the First Year Student"
"And just like that, poof, I remembered the magic, the true meaning of first year. It’s really about stories and bearing witness to the transformation that FY students undergo on their way to becoming not only college students, but also active citizens in the world."